It's been some time since I gave my blog some love. Sorry to say this is not a happy, happy topic. For many of us who sell online, it is what encourages/discourages buyers to entrust us with their money. It is also an inbalance in power, for websites such as eBay, who have disabled the sellers' ability to be truthful about their trade experience.

I have always strived to give superb customer service so that they will return again and again. Generally as soon as I am contacted and paid for a shopping cart item from my websites or online-on-site stores, I ship the items followed by a note to state that. My audiences are targeted, as I sell original paintings or vintage paper and postcards. Some of the first are impulse shoppers, looking for that feel good purchase; the latter are usually collectors seeking specific items.

My listings are clean and uncluttered with graphics, except for a template and pleasing to the eye on ebay, in my opinion. Recently I had a previous buyer return to my store to purchase original art. The descriptions were clear. These were not auctions, but instant purchases. She paid, I shipped. She complained. Too expensive for the size! Now in my books less than $20.00 for any size original art is cheap...too cheap. Not only that, but nobody held a gun to her head to buy them! After numerous threatening and nasty emails, she left feedback...negative feedback, captured below. So be it, there are some folks you can't ever please, no matter how hard you try. This person has a history of doing this...let show you quickly. The nasty emails, were forwarded on to eBay to deal with, as feedback extortion is against their policies. They will fix it or not, that isn't the point here.

I thought I would use the opportunity, to perhaps educate a few buyers and sellers, on dealing with online sales.

1. Writing emails from either perspective should be done courteously and professionally.
2. Typing in caps or highlighting in caps is akin to shouting, guaranteed to generate negative results.
3. Be clear about your wishes....what is it you want me do? Threatening feedback negatives or neutrals first is not the way to garner support.
4. This one is for the buyers: it is not the sellers responsibility to fix your mistakes at their expense.
5. Of course, if we sell items online, we are looking to recover expenses and make some profit. That IS the capitalist way! You think I do this out of the goodness of my heart?
6. Of course I make mistakes too, but I don't shirk the responsibility onto a complete stranger's head.
7. I learned to read and write. I don't part with my money unless I am certain I want the item. Mostly, I understand that if I want to try things on for size first, I shop at Sears.
8. Whether or not I am a good artist has nothing to do with whether or not I sell art to make money.
9. You don't know me nor do you own me when you buy my products.
10. I am not doing you a favor by selling to you, nor are you doing me a favor by buying. Online sales are strictly business.
11. Your remorse is not my guilt.
12. It is not for you to complain about my prices or the size of my paintings. It is for you to decide if you want to buy or not.
13. Make use of SOB...scroll on by.

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