Vintage and Ephemera

What a neat way to promote my businesses but also to meet new folks! Please visit often! I am especially interested in linking with other etsians and ebayers. My interests lie in vintage paper, ephemera and things that can be created from the bits that no one wants to collect any more.

What is vintage? Everything made or built has vintage, ie the date it was made. Think of wine. As for collectible/collectable items, vintage has come to mean things older than 40 years. Different categories have different limits. I'm thinking autos here. Antiques are generally 100 years or older. Retro items are generally 20-40 years old. Me I am past vintage but not yet antique!


  1. Ephemera are items not intended to be kept. Usually dated, they are one-offs. Tickets, schedules, bills, invlices, some maps, even photos. Ephemeral things are often used in collages, assemblages or altered art (books, journals, etc.). Personally I love the patina of old book pages, the yellowing and browning that occurs as the paper and inks break down.

    Spotting is sometimes called foxing.....which is part of the decay process. Not good in a museum but fabulous for altered art craftspeople.

  2. Hey thats great. Just today I wondered what the difference is between retro and vintage. Thanks for the explanation.
    I'm 1 year into vintage then :)

  3. Oh gosh...I'm retro, but with vintage breathing down my neck ;P Great info and blog. Love your Etsy shop too!

  4. Thanks renate and chaton! I will think of some more quick topics and post them as they come to me.

    Hello visitors! What inspires you? I am always inspired by books and magazines from Somerset Studio. Wow I can only ASPIRE to be as good as many I see there!
